Real Estate Law

Tax Law

Fiscal Compliance

Fiscal Planning

Fiscal Businesses and Planning for Succession

Fiscal Accounting Consultancy

Comercial Law and Companies

Restructuring and Bankrupcy

Administrative Law

Procedural Law

Economic Penal Law

Employment Law


Our environment shows the importance of the family firm in the business fabric of the Canary Islands, which has enabled us to obtain profound knowledge and specialisation in the area of SMEs, the organisation of corporate and family assets, as well as the planning for the succession of the individual businessman and the partners in the family business.

Our services include, among others, the following:

  • Design of the organisational and management structure.
  • Protocol for the family business. Collaboration in the design and construction of family boards.
  • Investment projects of the business family.
  • Financial and asset structure. Advice on the planning of family assets.
  • Supervision of the requirements for the enjoyment of fiscal benefits applicable to family businesses.
  • Design and development of policies of remuneration
  • Planning for the succession in the management and ownership of the family business.
  • Planning of Inheritance Tax and Wealth Tax.