Dear Mr./Mrs.
First of all, I would like to send you a message of encouragement and the best wishes for all of you, your team and your families. Our firm continues working for each of our clients.
As you know, yesterday was approved by the Government some urgent economic measures to confront the social and economic consequences derived from the crisis of the Covid19. Today has been published in the BOE (Official State Bulletin), the Royal Decree Law 8/2020, of extraordinary urgent measures for this purpose.
Our legal department is analyzing in this moment the approved measures and their implementation with the purpose of sending you along the day a complete detail of the same.
In any case, our office is prepared and has set up all available resources with the purpose of assisting you in all the necessary areas to face this situation, not only in the fiscal, tax and accounting matters but also in any other areas such as the labor, financial and corporate matters.
You will find us firmly on your side to give you the most efficient support and help you and take control of your personal situation for the sole purpose of overcoming this situation together.
Finally, we would like to remind you that all our usual contacts are at your disposition (telephone, email) for your attendance.
Partner of ETL GLOBAL