COVID-19 Suspension of the opening of tourist accomodation establishments
Dear clients, With the aim of keeping you permanently updated about the news regarding the different regulations and measures that are being approved in view of the health crisis, we would like to inform you that the Regulation SND/257/2020, of March 19th, has been...
COVID-19 Key measures on labour, tax and financial matters – Royal Decree Law 8/2020
Dear clients, Following our last communications, we would like to send you a note summarizing the most significant measures in labour, tax and financial matters, approved by the government through Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 of March 17th, which was published yesterday....
COVID-19 Communication from the senior accountants to each client
Dear Mr./Mrs. First of all, I would like to send you a message of encouragement and the best wishes for all of you, your team and your families. Our firm continues working for each of our clients. As you know, yesterday was approved by the Government some urgent...